GUI library

Brad Anderson brad at
Thu Jul 27 21:56:00 PDT 2006

Kramer wrote:
> clayasaurus wrote:
>> freeagle wrote:
>>> Hello D community.
>>> I joined a while ago a talk at d.D.dwt about future of DWT and other
>>> possible GUI toolkits. There were many opinions, but there was one
>>> that I liked the most - making a cross platform GUI library that
>>> would use OpenGL as a renderer. I know there was a project called
>>> Terra, but it seems that it went down. So i decided i could make
>>> something similar. It would be multithreaded lib from ground up
>>> because of the way openGL works with multiple windows. I dont want to
>>> make any official announcement of a development taking place until I
>>> ask the D community if it would welcome such effort. And what would
>>> you like it to be capable of. I have my own ideas, but i dont want to
>>> make something that pleases me, but will be refused by majority of
>>> the devs.
>>> freeagle
>> Terra is still alive and well
> The DSource project no longer seems available.  Is it still being
> actively developed, or just in hiatus...?
> -Kramer

Soon, Trevor will re-release under a different project, and Terra will be a
sub-project.  That's if I understood him correctly.


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