Is D 0.163 D 1.0?
Oskar Linde
oskar.lindeREM at
Fri Jul 28 02:42:23 PDT 2006
Bruno Medeiros wrote:
> Oskar Linde wrote:
>> Dave skrev:
>>> Don Clugston wrote:
>>>> Georg Wrede wrote:
>>>>> John Demme wrote:
>>>>>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>>>>>> I think the title says it all.
>>>>>> Has anyone recommended that 0.163 should be labelled RC1? I think
>>>>>> this
>>>>>> would be fair- hopefully it would focus attention from language
>>>>>> changes to
>>>>>> finding major bugs/flaws and the "Shop's closed- let's clean up
>>>>>> and ship
>>>>>> it" mentality. It would tell people who are maintaining libraries to
>>>>>> bother to update them to 0.163 so they will work with 1.0.
>>>>> This sounds quite reasonable.
>>>> I agree. 0.163 seems like a solid feature base to build 1.0
>>>> libraries around. But I wonder how long Walter will be able to
>>>> restrain himself from adding new features; I think he'd get bored
>>>> after a dozen releases containing nothing but bug fixes. <g>
>>> I'm actually hoping that one of the reasons for releasing 1.0 now is
>>> because Walter wants to get to work on 2.0 <g> (Not that 1.0 isn't
>>> good enough, just that it's fun to "play" :))
>>> I'm curious - are there really any "show stopping" type bugs out
>>> there for v1.0? By show stopping I mean bugs that completely prevent
>>> a given design pattern allowed by the current language spec.
>> I'd say the implicit function template instantiation limitations are
>> somewhat show stopping:
>> 1. IFTI doesn't work for member functions.
>> 2. Partial specialization doesn't work with IFTI.
>> 3. Partial template instantiation isn't allowed with IFTI.
>> 4. More IFTI limitations...
>> Walter has acknowledged that number 2 is a bug. I don't know of any
>> workaround for number 1. Those are all hampering library development,
>> which IMHO would qualify as show stoppers for a 1.0 status.
>> Of course, the most important thing is to make clear which limitations
>> are meant to remain and which are to be classified as bugs.
>> /Oskar
> What is partial specialization ? And Partial template instantiation?
> (does that come from C++?)
The term "partial specialization" isn't mentioned in the D spec, but its
meaning is documented under "Specialization" in
It basically means that you can specialize a template for e.g. all pointers:
template tmp(T:T*) {...}
By partial template instantiation (I have no idea if this is the correct
term), I mean specializing a template partially explicitly and partially
implicitly. E.g:
A myCast(A,B)(B x) { return cast(A)x; }
No template declaration fully matches myCast!(float). It gets partially
instantiated and the remaining template parameter B is automatically
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