GUI library

freeagle freeagle at
Fri Jul 28 04:50:55 PDT 2006

Anders Runesson wrote:
> fre 2006-07-28 klockan 12:21 +0200 skrev freeagle:
>> I already have coded something like you, singlethreaded too. But i 
>> realized its very performance limiting when you try to open more than 
>> one openGL window in a single thread. Switching to multithreading will 
>> make the coding harder, but i think it has more pros than cons, much 
>> more. 
> Yup. But from what I hear, opengl is extremely sensitive to being called
> from different threads simultaneously. The rendering needs to be done in
> one single thread, for all windows. Anything else is apparently asking
> for trouble.
> /Anders
hmm, i havent found any prob on the net when using 
context-per-thread-per-window approach. People only mention there is a 
problem when you try to draw to a single context from multiple threads, 
or drawing to the same window using multiple contexts from different 
threads. And im not planning to do that. And if possible, prevent the 
user from doing it as well. But if you found something else, plz, post a 
link to that article, id like to read it.

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