YACP -- Yet Another Const Proposal
Bruno Medeiros
brunodomedeirosATgmail at SPAM.com
Sun Jul 30 12:43:04 PDT 2006
This might have not been the best time to deal with this. This is a
complex issue, people are very busy and the dust is just settling with
regards to the import issues.
I myself have only read part of the Javari paper, not all yet. I hope to
finish it at a later time, and eventually get back at this const issue.
Still, I've read your post and I'll give some initial comments.
Reiner Pope wrote:
> *1. Mutability vs assignability*
I think that as a simplification, immutable variables should also be
unassignable. That is, all readonly vars would be final as well. I have
a feeling this would be beneficial.
> *2. Const by default*
OK to me.
> *3. rocheck*
I haven't read that part of the paper yet, but I think I get a good
enough picture from your description.
And I think rocheck wouldn't fit well with D, due to the runtime checks
and performance penalties, which, like you said, could not be disabled
in release builds (as they are not contracts). Also, it would only work
with classes, and not any kind of type.
(You have an example where you have a "rocheck char[]" variable, how
would that work internally?)
> *4. rotemplate/romaybe*
This fits nicely with D, since D already has the notion of templates and
templated functions, which is what rotemplate is (although the runtime
function code is the same).
> *5. const type inference*
> This is just a mechanism for avoiding even more const attributes
> scattered throughout the code. Since const is just an alteration to the
> typing mechanism (at least, in Javari it is), type inference could be
> used to change this code:
> readonly char[] c = getSomeReadonlyFoo();
> into
> auto c = getSomeReadonlyFoo();
Hum, maybe. (see below)
> *Everything else*
> Static const-checking is done just as Javari, which means through the
> type system, in which every immutable type is a superclass of a
> corresponding mutable type, and casting is then allowed /to/ const, but
> not /out of/ const (this operation must be done via duplication, or
> dirty assembler hacks -- however, there should be enough flexibility
> that workarounds are not required often).
I don't like to think of a immutable type as a supertype of a mutable,
although the semantics are the same.
> *Side note*
> One more (slightly unrelated) possibility that this allows is declaring
> utility functions as const, like toupper, etc. I haven't thought much
> about the details, but this could allow, given some planning, a system
> to ensure that a given function has no side-effects, which means it will
> always give the same result given the same parameters. This can lead to
No it wouldn't guarantee any of that (no side-effects). The function
could access global variables, static variables, other functions, etc.
(there are many things other than just the functions parameters)
*Overall Comments*
This seems like a good starting point for a const proposal. But we have
to think of all aspects of how this would work with D. D is more complex
than Java, and there are more things to consider when implementing
immutability. In particular D is way more advanced in features that work
with types, like templates, template specializations, typeof
expressions, is expressions, etc., and we have to think how const would
work with those, and see if it is all correct, solid and feasible, (and
also if there is a better way).
For example, how about this:
Would the delegate literal syntax allow an immutable-this? Would there
be syntax conflicts?
(I think there wouldn't be syntax problems)
How to use type inference to create a readonly view of some mutable data?
immutable auto bar = somefoo.somebar; ?
auto bar = cast(immutable) somefoo.somebar; ?
Would "typeof(foo)" include the constness of foo?
Should another is-expression metatype check be added? How would it work?
is(constof(foo) == immutable) ?
is(typeof(foo) == immutable) ?
How would template specialization work with constness?
(T : Object) -> specializes on any Objects or just mutable Objects?
(T : T*) -> specializes on any pointers or just mutable ones?
How to specialize on just mutable or immutables types?
(T : mutable Object) ?
(T : immutable Object)?
(as we can we probably we also need would a "mutable" keyword)
As you see there are still many details that must be considered. I think
this is by far the most complicated proposal D will ever face.
Bruno Medeiros - MSc in CS/E student
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