GUI library

freeagle freeagle at
Mon Jul 31 06:46:35 PDT 2006

Lucas Goss wrote:
> freeagle wrote:
>> ... And what would you like it to be capable of. I have my own ideas, 
>> but i dont want to make something that pleases me, but will be refused 
>> by majority of the devs.
> I've been toying with the same idea (OpenGL GUI), but I haven't got 
> around to thinking about it too much...
> I think it would be great to have the GUI library flexible enough that 
> it could be used in a 3D engine but at the same time be usable in a 
> stand alone application. Of course the main problem is that 3D engines 
> usually want to control all OpenGL calls to make the rendering as 
> efficient as possible.
> I've also had some ideas for flexible transition effects, so I'm 
> interested to hear how you envision this part of the system. But that 
> can be discussed later...
> Lucas

BTW, that problem you mentioned can be solved like this: application and 
windows has their own threads. It could be possible to use the window 
thread just for message handling, with no GL calls. Then acquire the 
context of that window in the application thread and make it handle all 
rendering (first the world and then tell the contained widgets to render 
themselves) and game mechanics.

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