D vs D (Digital Mars vs Sun)
Jeffersonian at Monticello.com
Sat Jun 3 19:45:49 PDT 2006
D is a successfull derivative of the Eiffel language (developed by
Bertrand Meyers).
Lets here applaud here both the authors of Eiffel and the one of D who could
tap and put all in one fairly well designed language the best of Eiffel,
and C (I would say the low/bit level features).
... and get rid of the worst of C (possibly the C macros and
When very early in the game, I read the D specifications, I thought it could
be a winner.
Now that it is close to this, it could possibly also be a winner in the
embedded system area, but of course it will imply a port to the most
popular processors (ARM, MIPS, OWERPC... and more).
Hopefully the documentation will make this an easy for who whish to endeavor
in this area. (I may be interested).
Bob W wrote:
>>> Sun's point of view:
>>> http://forum.sun.com/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=75217
>> I've heard that before. Sun made no public announcement of their D until
>> late 2003 that I've ever been able to locate, and by then our D was well
>> established. While they're right that the letter "D" cannot be
>> trademarked, they shouldn't have done it.
> It's probably irrelevant how they have named their scripting language
> because I can hardly imagine their product drawing big crowds. Your
> D language, however, has made it in the meanwhile into the top 20
> at the TIOBE TPCI, leaving Fortran behind and probably catching Ada
> next month or so.
> Well done!
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