[OT] Re: Can dmd now be installed in a non-rood directory?
pragma_member at pathlink.com
Wed Jun 7 08:59:31 PDT 2006
In article <e66q13$1cko$1 at digitaldaemon.com>, Don Clugston says...
>Cris wrote:
>> Cris wrote:
>>> Can dmd now be installed in a non-rood directory?
>>> d:\Program Files\some dir\more dirs\The D Programming Language\dmd 0.111
>> rood? what's that? :)
>An ancient unit of area.
>1 rood = 1011.7141056 m².
>I know that Americans prefer to use archaic units*, rather than SI, but
>I've never encountered this one before. <g>
>I presume he means a modern directory.
Oh, that explains it! And here I was thinking that the OP found spaces inside
of directories offensive. I know I do!
* - Sadly, us Yanks tend to perfer archaic units, but its really a
chicken-and-egg problem. See, we're just so used to calculating our cars' fuel
efficency in bushels per ferlong that it makes its way into the classroom at the
cost of spending time on the 'useless' SI - and 'round we go. As a result, any
discussion on 'modern' units of measure usually draw blank stares, discussions
about VW Beeltes per Library of Congress and the occasional thesis on Starbucks
Ventes per Man-Week. Don't even get me started on cookbooks, electronics,
engineering texts, doing the laundry, or why NASA uses metric only half the
time; things are really screwed up around here. <g>
- EricAnderton at yahoo
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