ASM nop
Bruno Medeiros
brunodomedeirosATgmail at
Sun Jun 11 15:34:06 PDT 2006
pragma wrote:
> In article <e6c9mm$v9q$1 at>, AKhropov says...
>> Did your turn maximum optimization on?
> As a matter of fact, I did not. Sure enough, with "-O -inline release"
> specified, the enter/leave instructions dissapear and are replaced with their
> push/pop/mov counterparts (see attached). :)
> - Eric
> SUB_L00402010:
> push ebp
> mov ebp,esp
> nop
> nop
> nop
> cmp dword ptr [ebp+08h],00000000h
> jnz L00402022
> mov eax,[ebp+0Ch]
> inc eax
> pop ebp
> retn
> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> L00402022:
> cmp dword ptr [ebp+0Ch],00000000h
> jnz L00402039
> push 00000001h
> mov eax,[ebp+08h]
> dec eax
> push eax
> call SUB_L00402010
> add esp,00000008h
> pop ebp
> retn
> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> L00402039:
> mov eax,[ebp+0Ch]
> dec eax
> push eax
> push [ebp+08h]
> call SUB_L00402010
> add esp,00000008h
> push eax
> mov eax,[ebp+08h]
> dec eax
> push eax
> call SUB_L00402010
> add esp,00000008h
> pop ebp
> retn
What are those NOPs for, if I may ask?
Bruno Medeiros - CS/E student
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