struct inheritance, L-value return
cschueler_member at
Mon Jun 12 18:00:14 PDT 2006
A little report on recent tamperings with D.
I often deal with primitive types which are "vector spaces". Examples
* 3D-vectors
* colors
* quaternions
* matrices.
While these are distinct types with distinct operations, they all have in common
that they can add and subtract members of their kin, and multiply them with a
scalar. They also have a zero (neutral) element.
This is what the term vector space is mathematically about.
In the C++ world, I was so annoyed that I had to type the same boilerplate
stuff over and over again for each of these types that I invented my "vector
space" template system. With this system it is possibly to declare a vector
space type with minimum effort and have all the basic operations ready
to go.
It seems I cannot port this system to D with the current state of D.
The short story is I need either
- struct inheritance
- anonymous unions outside an aggregate in a mixin
I would prefer struct inheritance:
struct field
union { ... };
union { ... };
union { ... };
struct vectorspace : field
// have anonymous unions of "field" injected into this scope
but I since there is no struct inheritance, I tried with mixins
template field
union { ... };
union { ... };
union { ... };
struct vectorspace
mixin field;
But you cannot have anonymous unions outside a struct :/(
So I'm struck at this point.
Moreover, the mixin approach is not feasible because then
you cannot make field a template parameter.
template( field )
struct vectorspace
only seem to work when field is a type, not a mixin.
I would like to weigh in for struct inheritance, since it seems a
trivial thing to allow. C programmers have often done this
by declaring a variable of the base type as the first member
of the struct. So I was a little surprised that D has no
inheritance for plain data structs.
There is more missing in D that prevents me to port the
system fully:
- explicit return by reference (return an L-value)
- struct constructors
These are not showblockers, but missing them is ugly!
I see from the archives that struct constructors have been
discussed already, so count me as another vote for struct
constructors here.
The explicit L-value return however I think is an important
concept that is missing with subtle implications. Without it,
user defined types can never be made transparent to
builtin types. Consider:
int a;
(+a) = 3;
The unary plus operator returns an L-value, so the assignment
can take place. In C++, you can define the unary + operator
to behave the same for your type, by defining both R-value
and L-value operator:
// R-value unary +
const mytype &operator +( const mytype &object )
{ return object; }
// L-value unary +
mytype &operator +( mytype &object )
{ return object; }
In D, you can only do the R-value version.
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