struct inheritance, L-value return
Oskar Linde
oskar.lindeREM at
Tue Jun 13 00:47:45 PDT 2006
cschueler skrev:
> The short story is I need either
> - struct inheritance
> or
> - anonymous unions outside an aggregate in a mixin
> I would prefer struct inheritance:
> struct field
> {
> union { ... };
> union { ... };
> union { ... };
> };
> struct vectorspace : field
> {
> // have anonymous unions of "field" injected into this scope
> }
> but I since there is no struct inheritance, I tried with mixins
> template field
> {
> union { ... };
> union { ... };
> union { ... };
> };
> struct vectorspace
> {
> mixin field;
> }
> But you cannot have anonymous unions outside a struct :/(
> So I'm struck at this point.
Try adding an anonymous struct to the template:
template field()
struct {
union {...}
union {...}
union {...}
> Moreover, the mixin approach is not feasible because then
> you cannot make field a template parameter.
> template( field )
> {
> struct vectorspace
> only seem to work when field is a type, not a mixin.
Try using an alias parameter:
struct vectorspace(alias field) {
mixin field;
> I would like to weigh in for struct inheritance, since it seems a
> trivial thing to allow. C programmers have often done this
> by declaring a variable of the base type as the first member
> of the struct. So I was a little surprised that D has no
> inheritance for plain data structs.
I agree that struct inheritance would be useful.
> There is more missing in D that prevents me to port the
> system fully:
> - explicit return by reference (return an L-value)
> - struct constructors
> These are not showblockers, but missing them is ugly!
I agree. Those have both been discussed several times. One common
implication of not having l-value returns is:
struct point { int x,y; }
MyArray!(point) arr;
arr[5].x = 3; // no effect
> The explicit L-value return however I think is an important
> concept that is missing with subtle implications. Without it,
> user defined types can never be made transparent to
> builtin types. Consider:
> int a;
> (+a) = 3;
> The unary plus operator returns an L-value, so the assignment
> can take place. In C++, you can define the unary + operator
> to behave the same for your type, by defining both R-value
> and L-value operator:
> // R-value unary +
> const mytype &operator +( const mytype &object )
> { return object; }
> // L-value unary +
> mytype &operator +( mytype &object )
> { return object; }
> In D, you can only do the R-value version.
Yes. This is the area where I find D most lacking.
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