Idea about memory management. Game related.
Sean Kelly
sean at
Tue Jun 13 20:01:22 PDT 2006
pragma wrote:
> In article <e6nl5h$1kcj$1 at>, Daniel Keep says...
> [snip]
>>> Yes. And passing some type information to the GC would also help
>>> considerably. Currently, the GC must assume all data could potentially
>>> be a pointer, while at the very least it should be possible for the GC
>>> to avoid scanning array data if the arrays don't contain object
>>> references or pointer types. For games, such bulk data probably makes
>>> up a significant chunk of allocated storage.
>> I believe the Boehm GC has such an alloc function. I think they call it
>> "atomic" data or somesuch.
> Didn't someone post a hack/mod to do just this over a year ago to the newsgroup?
> If memory serves, all it did was somehow hint to the GC on new that the
> allocated block doesn't contain pointer data - as you both have suggested. It
> did this transparently, by using D's type information.
Yeah, I remember that as well. Haven't taken the time to try and find
the NG posts about it though.
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