A new Python header
Brad Anderson
brad at dsource.org
Thu Jun 22 06:05:52 PDT 2006
Kirk McDonald wrote:
> I've been calling it "Pyd" (pronounced "pied"), but I am open to
> suggestions. :-)
> I would certainly enjoy some dsource space. My webserver is just my poor
> little Linux box. (Although my logs show only 10 people have grabbed
> that file so far, so I think it's been up to the task.) :-)
> The long-term goal is something analagous to Boost.Python. At the
> moment, all I have is a nifty function wrapper and a class that manages
> a PyObject*, overloading very nearly every single overloadable operator,
> passing them along to various Python API functions. (The class,
> DPyObject, is largely working, but I need to clean up the opCall
> overload somewhat.) I also have a couple functions that can convert
> values to and from arbitrary Python objects, which support both the
> function wrapper and the DPyObject class. Some next steps include better
> support for lists, tuples, and dicts. (An array or AA of a convertable
> type can easily be converted to a Python list or dict. A Python list or
> dict can easily be converted to an array or AA of DPyObjects. It would
> also be nice to have a Boost.Python-style make_tuple function.)
> So! A short description might be: "An object-oriented wrapper around the
> Python API."
> -Kirk McDonald
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