C++ reference type

David Medlock ashleymedlock at no.spam.yahoo.com
Sun Jun 25 05:07:14 PDT 2006

Tom S wrote:
> David Medlock wrote:
> If it requires you to create workarounds all over the place, makes code 
> less transparent than the C++ way and is less efficient, then I'm 
> tempted to say that it's worse.
>>   You can't opAddAssign in that case yes, but you can add 2 to the 
>> first item with:
>>   arr2[0] = arr2[0] + 2;
>> Is this really a lot worse?  Its maybe 2-3 cycles at the most?
> It's not about speed in *this* case. The compiler might optimize it 
> away. The point is that if you use normal arrays in some place, but then 
> decide to switch to your custom classes, you may be in trouble. Say you 
> have some myArray which stores structs and somewhere you write:
> myArray[i].prop = 5;

Agreed, changing to a custom class would bite you there.

> You live happily, until one day you find out that your custom logging 
> functions are behaving in a weird way. Instead of printing the contents 
> of your MyStruct's, they output some ridiculous hexadecimal numbers. You 
> jump into the code just to find out (after some struggles), that the 
> wrong logging function was called, because you have
> void log(MyStruct);
> and
> void log(void*);
> and somewhere in your code you had log(myArray[i]). No error was 
> reported because the compiler silently assumed that you wanted to print 
> a pointer.
>>> This gets worse, e.g. if you have a
>>> struct Foo {
>>>     int bar;
>>> }
>>> Foo[] arr3; ... ; arr3[0].bar = 1;
>>> but when you define
>>> Array!(Foo) arr4; ... ;
>>> then to accomplish the 'arr4[0].bar = 1;' functionality, you have to 
>>> make opIndex return a pointer. Yet then you can't say 'Foo x = 
>>> arr4[0];' because there's a type mismatch. You'd have to dereference 
>>> the pointer.
>> Not to pick but you could say:
>> auto x = arr4[0];
>> x.bar = 100;
> You could with classes, but in this case typeof(arr4[0]) is a struct.

I meant in the case you returned a pointer, but yes that wouldn't follow 
the 'native' array semantics so it wouldn't be good to return a pointer. 
  Maybe with the static if you could make your container behave 
different with non-object types?

>> or you could simply use a different method:
>> class Array(T)
>> {
>>   T[]  items;
>> ...
>>   T*  ptr(int n=0) { return items.ptr + n ; }
>> }
>> arr.ptr[5].bar = 1;
>> Since the built int arrays use a .ptr property, I usually define this 
>> method anyways.  Once you use it for a while its second nature.
> Yet I don't feel like losing array bounds checking... It would have to 
> be 'arr.ptr(5).bar = 1;' plus a modification to the 'ptr' function. But 
> then it doesn't read as 'arr[5].bar = 1;'.
> At the moment the language doesn't provide enough abstraction in this 
> area. At least IMO.

Agreed.  There is a lack there.

It just hasn't bit me a lot thus far (and I have written a fair amount 
of code in D).  I don't see a clear solution short of reference/inout 
returns, but I wonder what that would do to the rest of the language 

I can't recall if Walter said why he didn't include them.

>> If you want to get crazy:
>>   void opIndexAssign( void delegate(T* item) fn, int n )
>>   {
>>     fn( items.ptr + n );
>>   }
>> then:
>> arr[0] = (Foo* f){f.bar += 3;};
>> hehe :P
> Ummm... no, thanks :P

Tongue in cheek example of course, but I'm so far liking the delegate 

>> Seriously though, if the item is small enough to not warrant a class, 
>> then just extend the container class and define a custom method to 
>> update the item.
> That's a corner case which misses the point a bit...
I meant that usually your algorithm entails a bit more than just 
updating a single member of a struct.   In that case hiding the use of a 
pointer would be IMO ok.

We aren't really disagreeing on any implementation details, only on 
their impact on daily use.


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