List comprehensions in D?
David Medlock
noone at
Sun Jun 25 09:22:53 PDT 2006
My meager attempts to clone some list functionality in Python:
r = [ y for y in array if y > 10 ];
thanks to shortened delegate declarations its pretty close in D:
(this is a first stab but I'm sure we can get closer with some hackery)
int[] r = array.where( (int y){ return y>10; } );
and for mutating the array:
int[] r = (int y){return y + 5;} );
and in place modifications:
array.update( (inout int y){ y+=5; } );
// template code begins
template where(T)
T[] where( T[] arr, bool delegate(T) dg )
T[] result ;
foreach( T val; arr ) if ( dg(val) ) result ~= val;
return result;
template map(T)
T[] map( T[] arr, T delegate(T) dg )
T[] result = new T[arr.length];
for( int n =0; n<arr.length; n++ ) result[n] = dg(arr[n]);
return result;
template update(T)
void update( T[] arr, void delegate(inout T) dg )
foreach( int n,T val; arr ) dg( arr[n] );
Pretty cool, IMO.
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