the inline assembler
llee_member at
Tue Jun 27 18:01:54 PDT 2006
In article <e7sivt$emq$1 at>, dennis luehring says...
>llee schrieb:
>> In article <e7sa56$3qb$1 at>, Frits van Bommel says...
>>> lee wrote:
>>>> I'm trying to call dos interrupts using the inline assembler.
>>>> Unfortunately I keep getting the following message during compilation:
>>>> end of instruction
>>>> The code I used is listed below. Any help is welcome.
>>>> asm
>>>> {
>>>> mov AH, interrupt_code ;
>>>> int 21H ;
>>>> ..
>>>> }
>>>> where interrupt_code is of type long.
>>> I don't believe '21H' is a valid integer in D.
>>> This should compile:
>>> void main()
>>> {
>>> long interrupt_code;
>>> asm
>>> {
>>> mov AH, interrupt_code ;
>>> int 0x21 ;
>>> }
>>> }
>> The same error results.
>long interrupt_code is much larger than the 8bit ah register
>btw: what are you doing? plain old dos 21h is decprecated since win95
>most 16bit interrupt (int 0x10h, int 0x13...) procs don't work under win32
>what do you want from dos? what are you trying todo?
>ciao dennis
I'm trying to read keyboard events through dos services.
If it's possible to access these services on the win32 platform let me know.
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