Thoughts about modules
Kirk McDonald
kirklin.mcdonald at
Fri Jun 30 00:47:50 PDT 2006
Derek Parnell wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 21:09:42 -0700, Kirk McDonald wrote:
>>from util.str import SetEnv, GetEnv, Expand, ExpandEnvVar, ends, begins,
>>enquote, ustrip, ustripr, IsLike, YesNo, TranslateEscapes;
> Unfortunately this is not completely adequate because one can't always
> import the existing name verbatim, sometimes you need an alias to
> disambiguate it. Maybe something more like ...
> import from util.str SetEnv, GetEnv, Expand, ExpandEnvVar, ends, begins,
> enquote, strip as ustrip, stripr as ustripr, IsLike, YesNo,
> TranslateEscapes;
Except for the rearranging of "import" and "from", this is exactly
Python's behavior.
> The "from" key would tell D that only the listed names are to come into the
> namespace and all others are excluded, such that any attempt to reference
> them in the code would cause an error. The current semantics could still
> exists by not using the "from" keyword.
This could work (for both "from" and "as"), though I can't help but
wonder what the consequences of having a module named "from" would be.
:-) (If it's not a keyword, then this must be allowed.)
import from from a, b, c as d;
> And notice the "strip as ustrip". This is because the real name is
> util.str.strip but this clashes with std.string.strip so we have to create
> an alias for one of them.
Kirk McDonald
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