What on earth is std.windows.d?

jcc7 jcc7_member at pathlink.com
Mon Mar 6 05:50:24 PST 2006

In article <ducrng$6rc$1 at digitaldaemon.com>, Don Clugston says...
>I think a 100% automatic conversion is practically impossible, basically 
>because #define is such an ambiguous language construct. eg is
>#define FOO 1
>defining a constant int? Or is it a flag for a later #ifdef in this 
>file? Or in another file?
>My idea is to have a tool that takes a header file and a very short 
>"hints" file, specific to that SDK, which, in an organised format, lists 
>*all* the "manual" changes that need to be made, so that they can be 
>done automatically.
>Provided the header file doesn't change radically between releases, it 
>should be possible to use the same hints file to keep D headers up to 
>date with C ones, without any extra work.
>It also means that we'd only need to distribute the hints files. Eg, get 
>your copy of the Windows SDK by any legitimate means (eg from your C++ 
>compiler or MSDN subscription). Run c2d on it, with this hint file. Then 
>everyone gets the same files, but without violating licenses.

I can see how that'd work. Cool!


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