[OT] World Map of D Programmers

Sebastián E. Peyrott as7cf at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 7 18:41:59 PST 2006

In article <dulbrj$7cq$1 at digitaldaemon.com>, John Reimer says...
>Sebastián E. Peyrott wrote:
>> In article <dukejb$1qpt$1 at digitaldaemon.com>, Brad Anderson says...
>>> http://www.frappr.com/d
>>> Sign up and let us know where you are...
>>> BA
>> I'm mad. It just won't let me add my city =(. It tells me to use autocompletion,
>> which doesn't seem to be working. Then, as it doesn't recognize my city, it asks
>> me to request it to be added by following a link...when I click the link, it
>> just takes me to the same place, asking me for the same details! Argh! Thanks
>> god this is still beta!
>> --
>> Sebastián.
>I'm reluctant to register at all considering the other types of groups 
>that are attracted to frappr beta.  If you remain innocently unaware of 
>anything outside the D group, all things look fine.  Just don't wander 
>outside, though.  Frappr is attracting a lot of weirdo groups to test 
>its web software, and I don't want to see my name part of it.

I'd be more concerned about letting personal data such as my location and full  
name out in the wild...but since that is already readily available, there  
doesn't seem to be much to worry about. Although your concern seems valid,  
I've only associated myself to the D group. Anyone which, by mere association,  
implied that I was related to any other group would instantly demonstrate his  
or her lack of deductive skills.  
In any case, it's still a valid concern... Is there a better place than Frappr  
for this? :(  

[OT[OT]]BTW, shouldn't we have an OT NG, so we could keep unimportant stuff
from the place where discussions about the *language's fate* take place?


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