IFTI - first impressions
Oskar Linde
oskar.lindeREM at OVEgmail.com
Wed Mar 8 04:45:03 PST 2006
With the new IFTI support, I just had to do some quick tests. It turns
out it works perfectly given its limitations. I had to rewrite some
templates to be more IFTI-friendly. One example:
template filter(T:T[]) {
T[] filter(T[] arr, bool function func(T)) {
template filter(ArrTy, FuncTy) {
ArrTy filter(ArrTy arr, FunTy fun) {
With a simple map and filter template, the following code works:
const int[] data = [1,2,3,76,2,1,3,45,2];
writefln("data = ", data);
auto squared = map(data, function int(int x) { return x*x; });
writefln("squared = ", squared);
auto sqrooted = map(data, function double(int x) { return
sqrt(cast(float)x); });
writefln("sqrooted = ", sqrooted);
auto even = filter(data, function bool(int x) { return (x&1) == 0; });
writefln("even = ", even);
auto odd = filter(data, function bool(int x) { return (x&1) == 1; });
writefln("odd = ", odd);
And prints:
data = [1,2,3,76,2,1,3,45,2]
squared = [1,4,9,5776,4,1,9,2025,4]
sqrooted = [1,1.41421,1.73205,8.7178,1.41421,1,1.73205,6.7082,1.41421]
even = [2,76,2,2]
odd = [1,3,1,3,45]
In conclusion, I'm very pleased.
I've attached the full 50-line source code if anyone is interested.
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