Function overloading concern

Carlos Santander csantander619 at
Thu Mar 9 16:20:03 PST 2006

Sean Kelly escribió:
> By the way, the more complex C++ examples don't work in D anyway, 
> because D is module-based.  For example, it's more likely func would be 
> defined in a third module like so:
> Module C:
>     module c;
>     import b; // let's say b is the default implementation
>     template func( T )
>     {
>         void func( inout T t1, inout T t2 )
>         {
>             swap( t1, t2 );
>         }
>     }
> Main:
>     import a;
>     import c;
>     void main()
>     {
>         int i = 1, j = 2;
>         func( s, t );
>     }
> However, this doesn't work in D even without overloading.  So perhaps 
> it's not much of an issue here anyway.
> Sean

This one, I don't understand. I don't have DMD to try the code, but I think the 
call sequence would be something like:

main -> c.func -> b.swap

The main module imports a, but it's never used.

The only thing that I can think of is that you want c.func to use a.swap because 
it was imported in main, but it doesn't make much sense (for me, anyway) because 
c never knew about a. I don't know if C++ allows that, but I would say it's not 
a very good design. There should be another way. IMHO.

Carlos Santander Bernal

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