new operator overloading

John Demme me at
Sun Mar 12 08:26:14 PST 2006

knjhara wrote:

> How about this?
> foreach( ...; obj[m .. n] )
> means
> int obj.opSliceApply(m, n, int delegate(...) dg)
> It is removed the necessity of making tmpObj(like struct) for opApply;
> --
> knjhara

How would this work with the current syntax?  Currently, obj[m .. n] will
return a slice, then run .opApply(delegate...) on the object that the slice
returns.  Your above syntax is inconsistent, as it means the compiler would
ignore a slice operator in this case.

I'd imagine that you'd like this for efficiency reasons, so you don't have
to create a new object (or worse, copy an array or something) in order to
iterate through just a few of them.

If obj is a class of your own design, just make a method .iterSlice(n,m)
which returns a struct which can efficiently iterate your objects.  It's
not as pretty, but it is consistent.

If you're more concerned about D's built-in arrays- don't be.  If you slice
an array, it doesn't immediately copy it.   Iterating through an array
slice with the foreach shouldn't require any memory allocations.

...Or am I way off here?

~John Demme

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