interfacing C bitfield structs

Regan Heath regan at
Sat Mar 18 02:50:29 PST 2006

On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 23:50:39 +0100, Wolfgang Draxinger  
<wdraxinger at> wrote:
> I'm currently writing D includes for several game and graphics
> related libraries (OpenGL, OpenAL, DevIL, SDL, cairo,
> Freetype2).
> Now with SDL I've encountered a problem: SDL makes use of serval
> bitfields and I've no idea, how to interface them to D.
> Has somebody an idea how I best interface with it elegantly?

I don't know if you'd call this elegant but here is what I did. The  
important thing is using a type which is the correct size for the  
bitfields and then creating some way to interface the bits you need.

struct DCB {
     DWORD DCBlength;       /* sizeof(DCB)                     */
     DWORD BaudRate;        /* Baudrate at which running       */
     uint BITS;
     //bit fBinary;           /* Binary Mode (skip EOF check)    */
     //bit fParity;           /* Enable parity checking          */
     //bit fOutxCtsFlow;      /* CTS handshaking on output       */
     //bit fOutxDsrFlow;      /* DSR handshaking on output       */
     //bit[2] fDtrControl;    /* DTR Flow control                */
     //bit fDsrSensitivity;   /* DSR Sensitivity              */
     //bit fTXContinueOnXoff; /* Continue TX when Xoff sent */
     //bit fOutX;             /* Enable output X-ON/X-OFF        */
     //bit fInX;              /* Enable input X-ON/X-OFF         */
     //bit fErrorChar;        /* Enable Err Replacement          */
     //bit fNull;             /* Enable Null stripping           */
     //bit[2] fRtsControl;    /* Rts Flow control                */
     //bit fAbortOnError;     /* Abort all reads and writes on Error */
     //bit[17] fDummy2;       /* Reserved                        */
     WORD wReserved;        /* Not currently used              */
     WORD XonLim;           /* Transmit X-ON threshold         */
     WORD XoffLim;          /* Transmit X-OFF threshold        */
     BYTE ByteSize;         /* Number of bits/byte, 4-8        */
     BYTE Parity;           /* 0-4=None,Odd,Even,Mark,Space    */
     BYTE StopBits;         /* 0,1,2 = 1, 1.5, 2               */
     char XonChar;          /* Tx and Rx X-ON character        */
     char XoffChar;         /* Tx and Rx X-OFF character       */
     char ErrorChar;        /* Error replacement char          */
     char EofChar;          /* End of Input character          */
     char EvtChar;          /* Received Event character        */
     WORD wReserved1;       /* Fill for now.                   */
alias DCB* LPDCB;

private import std.intrinsic;

void fBinary(DCB* dcb, uint b)           { (b) ? bts(&dcb.BITS,0) :  
btr(&dcb.BITS,0); }	
void fParity(DCB* dcb, uint b)           { (b) ? bts(&dcb.BITS,1) :  
btr(&dcb.BITS,1); }
void fOutxCtsFlow(DCB* dcb, uint b)      { (b) ? bts(&dcb.BITS,2) :  
btr(&dcb.BITS,2); }
void fOutxDsrFlow(DCB* dcb, uint b)      { (b) ? bts(&dcb.BITS,3) :  
btr(&dcb.BITS,3); }
void fDtrControl(DCB* dcb, uint b)       { (bt(&b,0)) ? bts(&dcb.BITS,4) :  
btr(&dcb.BITS,4); (bt(&b,1)) ? bts(&dcb.BITS,5) : btr(&dcb.BITS,5); }
void fDsrSensitivity(DCB* dcb, uint b)   { (b) ? bts(&dcb.BITS,6) :  
btr(&dcb.BITS,6); }
void fTXContinueOnXoff(DCB* dcb, uint b) { (b) ? bts(&dcb.BITS,7) :  
btr(&dcb.BITS,7); }
void fOutX(DCB* dcb, uint b)             { (b) ? bts(&dcb.BITS,8) :  
btr(&dcb.BITS,8); }
void fInX(DCB* dcb, uint b)              { (b) ? bts(&dcb.BITS,9) :  
btr(&dcb.BITS,9); }
void fErrorChar(DCB* dcb, uint b)        { (b) ? bts(&dcb.BITS,10) :  
btr(&dcb.BITS,10); }
void fNull(DCB* dcb, uint b)             { (b) ? bts(&dcb.BITS,11) :  
btr(&dcb.BITS,11); }
void fRtsControl(DCB* dcb, uint b)       { (bt(&b,0)) ? bts(&dcb.BITS,12)  
: btr(&dcb.BITS,12); (bt(&b,1)) ? bts(&dcb.BITS,13) : btr(&dcb.BITS,13); }
void fAbortOnError(DCB* dcb, uint b)     { (b) ? bts(&dcb.BITS,14) :  
btr(&dcb.BITS,14); }

Note: The commented types shown in the struct were an attempt to use D's  
bit type. They were originally C bitfields.


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