std.array suggestion (version 2)

Oskar Linde olREM at
Sun Mar 19 14:25:55 PST 2006


I've been working a bit more on my std.array suggestion in
and have made some changes to the specification. I would like to thank
everyone that commented. I have made the following changes:

- removed .sum() (belongs to std.math or similar)
- added optional ordering predicate to .max() and .min()
- find now returns size_t instead of ptrdiff_t
- added .count(predicate|element)
- in-place versions have void return type

A sample implementation is available at:
And a brief DDoc-output (hardly readable):
The implementation has been focused on correctness. No code is optimized.
(except for .doSort() where I couldn't resist). What is missing is manual
template argument checking with error reporting via pragma(msg,...).

I have some open issues:

1. max/min on empty arrays
 max/min are undefined on empty arrays. I see three options:

 a) return something, i.e T.min/max or T.init.
 b) use an in contract asserting the array is non-empty
 c) throw EmptyArrayException

 - a) doesn't feel very robust. b) seems to be the most D-ish.

2. Naming of in-place functions
 my current suggestion is doMap(), doSort(), etc. Other suggestions are
 mapInPlace() and inPlaceMap(), but I find them a bit to wordy.

3. Functions like left, right, skip, skipUntil, countUntil, etc.
 I find them either redundant or too specialized to belong in a std.array
 module. Maybe some of them fit in std.string.

4. Cut-off point between std.string and std.array.
 I have no stringent rule for this. As someone said: If it is simple enough
 and could be generically useful (as opposed to only applicable to strings)
 why not put it in std.array. That's why split and join are here. (Well join
 belongs together with split, and split is just a recursive find, and find
 definitely belongs in std.array. Atleast the single element and delegate
 version of find. But separating sub-array find from element-find, with
 both having the same function name will lead to problems.) But the current
 std.string non-argument version of split on char[] defaults to split on
 whitespace (iirc), a behavior that definitely is std.string matter.

Here is the full list of function definitions:

T fold(T[] arr, T init, T delegate|function combiner(T,T));
T max(T[] arr);
T max(T[] arr, delegate|function wrongOrder(T,T));
T min(T[] arr);
T min(T[] arr, delegate|function wrongOrder(T,T));
size_t find(T[] arr, T|delegate|function d);
size_t indexOf(T[] arr, T|delegate|function d);
size_t count(T[], T|delegate|function d);
T[][] split(T[] arr, T|T[]|delegate|function d);
T[] join(T[][] arr);
T[] join(T[][] arr, T|T[] separator);
U[] map(T[] arr, U delegate|function f(T));
T[] filter(T[] arr, delegate|function p(T));
T[] sort(T[]);
T[] sort(T[], delegate|function wrongOrder(T,T));
T[] stableSort(T[]);
T[] stableSort(T[], delegate|function wrongOrder(T,T));
T[] reverse(T[]);

In-place versions:
void doMap(T[], T delegate|function f(T));
void doSort(T[]);
void doSort(T[], delegate|function wrongOrder(T,T));
void doStableSort(T[]);
void doStableSort(T[], delegate|function wrongOrder(T,T));
void doReverse(T[]);


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