B# language for embedded development.

Georg Wrede georg.wrede at nospam.org
Fri Mar 24 12:15:22 PST 2006

pragma wrote:
> MicroWizard says...
>>Try implementing this language on PIC16Fxx or on 8051 etc...
>>They are joking...
> heh.. Much less a 6502 with 2k of RAM (nesdev.parodius.org)!

(Ahhhhh, my Commodore VIC-20!! (Looking into the horizon, tear of 
affection and longing on cheek) Those were the times!)

Reading the D specs, the day we see D on any of the above processors, 
will simply never come.

I could kill for a D subset that worked on them.

In the worst case, I'd be happy with even a Tiny-C like thing with D 
syntax and no GC, for 8bit processors.

Think how nice it would be if we could use "the same syntax" on PIC and 

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