[OT] Re: Windows woes

Dylan Dylan_member at pathlink.com
Fri Mar 31 11:33:14 PST 2006

In article <442D6DD7.8050204 at nospam.org>, Georg Wrede says...
>Paolo Invernizzi wrote:
>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>> Turns out, I did have a trojan rootkit on my system. arrgh!
>> It's more and more problematic... from Slashdot today.
>> http://it.slashdot.org/it/06/03/31/0741221.shtml
>> As a test, I've a rootkit installed on an Windows machine from 3
>> years, and it's still undetected. ;-(
>That made a thought cross my mind.
>If I were the *head* of a three-letter government agency [you name it, 
>or then it's one whose name we don't even know] today, I'd sure as heck 
>tell B. Gates to install a for-me-only backdoor to Windows, such that if 
>"we" really feel threatened, then I can shut down all the Windowses in 
>the [non-free] world. Or hopefully, a more accurately defined selection.
>Yes, yes, this is not serious, so please no flames from anyone. I'm just 
>jotting down corollaries to the thought.
>Anyhow, we all see the trend: computers are becoming more and more 
>essential -- for _anything_ these days. One day (be it next year, or 200 
>years from now) some bad-butt _will_ launch a major attack upon somebody 
>else (not even necessarily the U.S.). It would be pretty reasonable to 
>hope that there's something we [the "defenders of the Free World", or 
>whoever -- no offense] can do about it. And nukes are no match for a 
>global digital assault.
>Next season's "24" might do well to belabor this thought. Seriously.
>Frankly, I'm not even sure I'd be against such a back door. (Not that 
>I'm for it either, but building a solid opinion on it should not be done 
>off-hand. There are too many implications, pros and cons involved. And 
>the issue is way too important to just dismiss to either side.)
>Their [the afore-not-mentioned three-letter agency] problem of course is 
>Linux and BSD. But I would not be surprised if this issue didn't come up 
>somewhere (secretly or publicly) within the next 10 years.
>Like laws in every single country stating that Internet Cafes using 
>Linux have to have such a backdoor explicitly installed, lest they face 
>huge fines.
>No idea where this thought is leading, and I really don't care or know. 
>But thought it'd be appropriate to write it _somewhere_ as soon as it 
>came up.
>Hmmm. After proofreading, seems Windows is not enough. "I" should go 
>talk with Cisco Systems too. (Routers, backbone HW.)

If? Thats a good one. If you seriously analize the components of windows - from
the context of a data collection system - everything that didnt make sense,
begins to make completely perfect sense.

Windows is a government data collection device masquerading as an Operating

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