Today the Hobbyist, Tommorow, The World!

nick nick.atamas at
Tue May 2 19:38:16 PDT 2006

No offense to those running wiki4d, but it looks like an abandoned site
from mid 1990s. Anything posted on that site might as well have a huge
"don't pay attention to what I'm saying; this is out of date" label on it.

It's unfortunate indeed, because there is some good info there; it just
needs a visual update. Last I attempted something in that direction, I
was overzealous and apparently offended the man behind wiki4d.

Derek Parnell wrote:
> On Tue, 02 May 2006 18:20:45 -0700, nick wrote:
>> There is a post like this one every several days.
>> I think we need some sort of a notice on the digitalmars page that says
>> "People who want to help polish/improve D follow this link...".
>> The link would take you to a TODO list of things that need to happen for
>> D to become polished. That way we can channel the enthusiasm to
>> something productive.
>> Does such a  list already exist?
> I think one exists in the WIKI4D site, but if not, that is a good place to
> set one up.

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