Coroutines and exceptions
Daniel Keep
daniel.keep.lists at
Tue May 2 20:05:27 PDT 2006
Cool; thanks for that. Guess I'll have some reading to do when I get
home :)
-- Daniel
mclysenk at wrote:
> In article <e2vh64$2vhe$1 at>, Lars Ivar Igesund says...
>> Daniel Keep wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I've been playing around with an implementation of coroutines in D the
>>> last day or two, and I've got it to the point where it works pretty well
>>> under gdc, and under dmd with a few bugs to track down. But I've hit a
>>> brick will with exceptions.
>>> See, I was kinda hoping that D found exception handlers by going back up
>>> the stack frames... although after pouring over the disassembly in gdb,
>>> it looks like D registers the exception handlers as it meets them.
>>> The problem with this is that the coroutine library allows you to jump
>>> from one part of the code to another, which ends up screwing up the
>>> order of exception handlers. For example (simplified, mind you):
>>> void coro_a()
>>> {
>>> try
>>> {
>>> co_call(main); // Jump back into main just after co_call
>>> }
>>> except( Exception e )
>>> {
>>> writefln("Exception in coro_a: %s", e.toString());
>>> }
>>> }
>>> void main()
>>> {
>>> try
>>> {
>>> co_call(coro_a); // Jump into coro_a
>>> throw new Exception("Oh noes!");
>>> }
>>> catch( Exception e )
>>> {
>>> writefln("Exception in main: %s", e.toString());
>>> }
>>> }
>>> If you run that, you end up getting "Exception in coro_a: Oh noes!"
>>> instead of "Exception in main: Oh noes!" as you would expect.
>> I have been working on getting Mikola Lysenko's StackThread working on
>> Linux, and I just tested the exception handling (which I did not have to do
>> anything with, it just worked the way he had implemented it. Unless this
>> way is not what you want, and your couroutines might not be altogether the
>> same thing as this StackThread (I tried to send you a mail, but don't know
>> if it will reach you...). Anyway, the test code goes like this (in the
>> unittest):
>> try {
>> void exceptions()
>> {
>> writefln("Testing exception handling...");
>> throw new Exception(std.string.format("Test exception, line %s",
>> __LINE__));
>> StackThread.yield();
>> }
>> StackThread t = new StackThread(&exceptions);
>> t.resume();
>> assert(false);
>> }
>> catch(Exception e)
>> {
>> writefln(e);
>> }
>> And the result is this:
>> Testing exception handling...
>> Test exception, line 412
>> The assert is not triggered.
>> I do agree that your result seems somewhat strange, though...
>> --
>> Lars Ivar Igesund
>> blog at
>> DSource & #D: larsivi
> That is because on windows you need to save the stack top & bottom when you
> change contexts. They are stored at FS[4] and FS[8]. Also it would be a good
> idea to relink the SEH chain when you create a new coroutine, so the top level
> is tied to the SEH that originally called the coroutine. As far as I can tell,
> this behaviour is not very well documented, but for more info on structured
> exception handling, you can check out
> .
> I'm currently working on extending the StackThread system to support priority
> based scheduling and Linux. At the moment, I have a specification drawn up,
> along with a basic architecture/implementation.
> -Mikola Lysenko
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