Loop iterator - example.txt

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeirosATgmail at SPAM.com
Wed May 3 08:41:07 PDT 2006

Derek Parnell wrote:
> The problem, IMHO, with this is not the 'goto' per se, but the label. 
> The existence of a label opens the possibility that somewhere *else* in the
> code is a reference to that label and so as a code maintainer, I must
> examine all the code for such a reference. This takes time (even though it
> might only be a seconds using a good editor) it does add further
> maintenance cost. And if I do find other references, I need to examine the
> implications of any change I make to the local area around the label to
> ensure there are no unintended side-effects due to code jumping to the
> label ... more time used up!

Based on some previous notion that I don't where I got it from, and from 
your comments, I thought /goto/ (in both D and C) could jump anywhere in 
the code, even across functions, but that is not so. So there isn't such 
label problem as you mention.

Bruno Medeiros - CS/E student

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