if just D becomes official part of GCC asap

Sean Kelly sean at f4.ca
Sun May 7 15:11:10 PDT 2006

Anders F Björklund wrote:
> Cris wrote:
>> if just D becomes official part of GCC asap...
> There are two problems with this, at the moment.
> 1) In order to be GNU, all copyright should be FSF
>    http://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/
> 2) GDC doesn't work with the release series of GCC
>    http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.1/
>> and gets official GDB support...
> Same goes for being an offical part of GDB, I guess.
> But it is possible now to use and package a version
> of GDC that uses a custom GCC/GDB of older releases,
> (including using the older "system" GCC compilers)
> so I don't think it is a major obstacle to using D ?

It might be nice to eventually have a packaged version of GDC available 
in the Debian downloader and other such places.  I have no idea how to 
go about this, but I imagine it can't be terribly difficult?


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