Why std.stdio and not std.io ?

Lucas Goss lgoss007 at gmail.com
Tue May 9 09:34:01 PDT 2006

Tom wrote:
> Maybe it sounds as a stupid question but I still wonder why to mimic C include
> name for standard input/output.

I wonder the same. I also wonder why not...

std.unicode - instead of std.uni
std.c.ctype - instead of std.ctype
std.conversion - instead of std.conv
std.c.stream? - instead of std.cstream
std.memorymappedfile - instead of std.mmfile

And on a related note, why mimic C functions:

isFile - instead of isfile
isDirectory - instead of isdir

isWhite - instead of iswhite
stringToInt - instead of atoi
compare - instead of cmp

Sure it might be nice for C programmers, but a pain for others not 
familiar with a certain function in C. And using the C counterparts 
could be as easy as "using std.c.string", etc. I just find readability 
and consistency to be a huge plus in a library, especially one that is 
standard. If such changes would be accepted, or even considered, I'd be 
happy to do the work on this part of the library. I've even thought of 
re-doing it just for my personal use.


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