Help with derelict and codeblocks
Jarno Tuomainen
zorbuz at
Tue May 9 09:36:08 PDT 2006
Simple question: anyone got derelict working with codeblocks ide
IDE supports D and works just fine, but i cant seem to get derelict
working with it (i get plenty of undefined symbol errors when i try to
complie sdl stuff with it).
Complier output. This is when compiling dmedia opengl tutorial:
--- cutpaste ---
:: Symbol Undefined _glMatrixMode
:: Symbol Undefined _glLoadIdentity
:: Symbol Undefined _gluPerspective
:: Symbol Undefined _D8derelict3sdl3sdl16DerelictSDL_LoadFZv
:: Symbol Undefined _D8derelict6opengl2gl15DerelictGL_LoadFZv
:: Symbol Undefined _D8derelict6opengl3glu16DerelictGLU_LoadFZv
:: Symbol Undefined _SDL_Init
:: Symbol Undefined _SDL_GL_SetAttribute
:: Symbol Undefined _SDL_SetVideoMode
:: Symbol Undefined _SDL_WM_SetCaption
:: Symbol Undefined _SDL_PollEvent
:: Symbol Undefined _glClear
:: Symbol Undefined _SDL_GL_SwapBuffers
:: Symbol Undefined _SDL_Quit
:: Symbol Undefined _D8derelict6opengl3glu18DerelictGLU_UnloadFZv
:: Symbol Undefined _D8derelict6opengl2gl17DerelictGL_UnloadFZv
:: Symbol Undefined _D8derelict3sdl3sdl18DerelictSDL_UnloadFZv
:: Symbol Undefined _glBegin
:: Symbol Undefined _glColor3f
:: Symbol Undefined _glVertex3f
:: Symbol Undefined _glEnd
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