A gentle critque..

BCS BCS at pathlink.com
Mon May 15 14:35:39 PDT 2006

Chad J wrote:
> James Pelcis wrote:
>>True.  This has been discussed before, but has been rejected
>>intentionally.  We don't want every D compiler to end up being a C
>>compiler, too.
> That said, the two known D compilers are also C compilers (or at least
> share backends with C compilers).

dmd under windows has a "header generation" feature that will make D's
replacement to a .h file. Further more it shares the backend ()and thus
the frontend/backend interface with dmc (Walter's c/c++ compiler). I'm
wondering, where is the "header generation" going on? Is it close enough
to the front/back interface that the C compiler could be stacked on top
of it? This would allow automatic generation of headers from .c or .h files.

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