program arguments in module constructor?

Johan Granberg lijat.meREM at
Tue May 16 13:58:03 PDT 2006

Sean Kelly wrote:

> There is no way to currently do this in user code.  However, you could 
> modify internal/dmain2.d to do something like this:
If the solution is modding the standard library i might just live  with 
the problem. (I have a temporary fix where i call a function the first 
thing I do in main (that calls main recursively at a later stage) )
> I'm not sure I'd want to build this into Ares however, as technically, 
> main() is the entry point for the program.  Also, it would create a 
> difference between Ares and Phobos that would make for portability 
> problems between the two.
> Sean
I agree that incompatibilities between ares an phobos is a bad thing so 
if this should bee implemented Walter would have to do it.

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