A gentle critque..
dennis luehring
dl.soluz at gmx.net
Tue May 16 23:09:48 PDT 2006
> D uses __VectorInt, which was the point of providing the cpptype {} keyword in
> the first place. The code within the braces is not parsed by D, but placed in
> an external cpp file which is compiled by a Cpp compiler into a standard Cpp
> class that D CAN use.
due to the missing standart abi in c++ (there is no official and STABLE
convention) - what is a "standart" cpp class that D CAN use? and even if
we can make one cpp class a "standart" how do we link to your current
object code... (does there the magic thing happen)
if I don't get the point - can someone send me the c++ abi for some vc++
versions (5-2005) and borland/bcb c++ (3-2006)...
because im involved in an projects which uses vc5, vc2005 and bcb4
it would be nice to link them together without preparing them (using
dlls, COM interface,...)
> Likewise, a complex functional macro can be placed in the Cpp file and wrapped
> with a standard c function:
how to detect functional macros?, what means complex to you?
can you help me convert this macro into an function
#define DEFINT(varname,value)\
##varname int = value;\
> I don't know.. is this a joke? Let me ask you, do you find yourself personally
> offended by these ideas?
not offended but amused about your ideas (your first posts sounded like
21years of c/c++, your last posts becoming more and more 2.1 years of
c/c++ or vb style...)
> Compared to what? A multi-year project to convert the C Windows API to D so
> that Windows software can finally be written?
compared to what - a multi-year c++-to-D interface wrapper/compiler
which wont ever become stable (because there is no stable abi)
in the pure source code world c++ is nice and nearly vendor unspezific
but c++ object code comes out of the hell...
btw: the winapi project is just a (yes manualy made) conversion of the
headers - because D can directly link c object code
but yours is header conversion AND the linkage problem - the winapi port
will be finished long, long time before
> I would suggest if you don't like it, then don't feel that you have to use it.
the problem is i would give it a try, but i don't think it would ever
happen to exist...
> 21 years. I've actually used to own a copy of Zortech.
ok then your familar with assembler (me too)
can you please write a small class (template), compile your code with
vc,gcc,bcb,bc (at least 2-3 different compilers)
and then try to use it in assembler (maybe all objectcodes together)
or try to find some good how-to-link-manuals
* Name mangling
In C++, names are mangled to encode the type of the symbol and allow
overloading. So it may be called `MerryCallMe__voidfn__void' or
something equally cryptic. You may have to look at the assembly to find
out what it is.
(vendor specific)
* Calling conventions
Member functions are often passed an invisible argument, which is (I
think) their `this'. I think it's the first argument under GCC, but may
be wrong. You'll have to pass it appropriately.
(vendor specific)
> How about you?
just 17 years
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