std.gc.setHandle causes Access Violation
Unknown W. Brackets
unknown at
Wed May 17 21:33:04 PDT 2006
I'm doing this in some code:
extern (C)
export void initialize(void* gc)
And then to load it:
alias void function(void*) initialize_fp;
initialize_fp init_f;
init_f = GetLibraryFunction!(initialize_fp)(module, "initialize");
And I haven't had any problems. That said, I haven't yet updated to the
latest latest DMD version.
> Using a shared DLL and a client Executable, both written in D, I'd like
> to be able to use std.gc.setGCHandle, as mentioned in the Win32 DLL
> example. However, I am getting an Access Violation Error, right when the
> call to std.gc.setHandle is made.
> Does anyone know about this problem, and how to solve it?
> This is the code setting the GC handler on the DLL side:
> extern(C) export void libraryInit(void * gc) {
> MessageBoxA(null, "Library Initializing", "Library", MB_OK);
> std.gc.setGCHandle(gc);
> _minit();
> _moduleCtor();
> }
> This is the code, on the Executable side:
> alias void function(void * gc) LibraryInitFP;
> ...
> fp = GetProcAddress(mod.h, "libraryInit");
> if(fp != null) {
> mod.libraryInitFP = cast(LibraryInitFP)(fp);
> }
> if(mod.libraryInitFP != null) {
> (*mod.libraryInitFP)(std.gc.getGCHandle());
> }
> Regards,
> Sjoerd
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