What's the encoding of the error message?

Hasan Aljudy hasan.aljudy at gmail.com
Sun May 21 02:18:43 PDT 2006

Hasan Aljudy wrote:
> James Dunne wrote:
>> sailormoontw wrote:
>>> In article <e4nhpk$24kq$1 at digitaldaemon.com>, James Pelcis says...
>>>> The character encoding is UTF8 for sure, but what the characters are is
>>>> a different story.
>>>> std.file will append the error message returned by Windows.  What
>>>> language is Windows set to use?
>>> In my default Console Mode(MSDos Box that is) it's set to codepage 
>>> 950, but I
>>> cannot find a setting to make it UTF-8. And if I didn't remember 
>>> wrong, the
>>> English charaters in ANSI should be the same as UTF-8, I am not sure 
>>> why it
>>> shows strange characters that doesn't seem to be English..
>>> Thanks for the answer ^_^.
>> 'chcp 65001' for UTF-8 output in the command console and use Lucida 
>> Console as the raster font to display some Unicode characters.
> How do you change the code page for the command line interface (dos box)?

wops, never mind!

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