Suggestion: object const'ness

Derek Parnell derek at psych.ward
Sun May 21 04:22:01 PDT 2006

On Sun, 21 May 2006 13:36:33 +1000, Hasan Aljudy <hasan.aljudy at>  

> huh? if you pass an object reference as in you shouldn't be able to  
> manipulate the object?!!

Why not? What is the axiom that makes this so?

> In what sense is that a "true" in?

There *is* no "true" 'in'. Each language has its own definition of 'in'.  
In D the 'in' just means you can't modify what ever has been passed to the  
function. And in the case of objects and arrays, it's the reference that  
is passed - thus you can't change the reference. There is nowhere that  
talks about protecting that which is referenced - only the reference  

If we learn to live with this, we can design our code around such a  

Personally, I'd like the compiler to be a bit more helpful so I could tell  
it when I'm not intending something to be changed and it could tell me  
when it happens to detect that I'm accidently trying to change it.

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia

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