SDL* and GL bindings
Bruno Medeiros
brunodomedeirosATgmail at
Mon May 22 03:57:10 PDT 2006
Anders F Björklund wrote:
> Bruno Medeiros wrote:
>>> A recent post included more modern/open source versions of the headers,
>>> built from Mesa OpenGL and FreeGLUT instead of "my" SGI OpenGL and GLUT.
>> *Sigh*, yes, another binding to the mix. Like you said it seems
>> similar to Derelict, except it is based on different GL headers?
> It's similar to the ones above, in that is based on a port of C headers.
> (seems to include more headers though, including the "platform" GL ones)
> Derelict is based on a different idea, namely loading function pointers?
Huh? Jamie Pelcis bindings are similar to Derelict, since they also load
function pointers. You said it yourself.
>>> Basically I just include everything in sdl/*.d and link it with SDL ?
>>> (similar to how you use it from C, so it's wasn't very documented no)
>> No, you *also* have to link with the SDL_D libs, right? (This is
>> something that must be mentioned.)
> The only tricky part is that Mac OS X can't use the regular SDLmain, but
> must use a SDLmain_d that has been patched to use a different "main"
> name so that the D and the Objective-C startup can co-exist nicely...
> The other libraries are just a convenience that I used so that I didn't
> have to include all the of the source code files with every compilation.
> But you *can* do that just fine, with the regular DMD syntax: gdmd *.d
> (well, at least that was the idea - maybe it was messed up in practice)
gdmd? What's that about? Isn't it an old project?
In any case, you can't do "dmd *.d" on the bindings just fine (with dmd
at least,haven't tried with gdc), as it fails the compilation because of
the mismatched module names, which is what I'm trying to say.
>>> The other ones just had implicit names, since they're all in "sdl"...
>> I know they have implicit names, I can see that myself :P
>> But it is still broke. It works *only* if you compile each module
>> separately, *and* if you only import sdl.sdl (or sdl.main) in your
>> application. (if you import certain other sdl modules it breaks)
>> Surely you agree this is not proper behavior.?
> I do, but it worked for me when I put it in my /usr/include/d/sdl...
> But I'll add the module names at the top of each file, to "fix" it.
Like I said, if I'm not mistaken, it only worked because you compiled
each module separately, and because you imported only the sdl.sdl module
(or sdl.main).
(And thanks for the upcoming fix.)
>>> Once I update the headers to SDL 1.2.10 (etc), I will package it up too.
>>> It will probably only work with GDC, but Derelict is good for DMD use ?
>> Whoa! "will probably only work with GDC" !? :|
>> (And MikeP also mentioned that Derelict didn't work with GDC as of yet)
> My main target is GDC and Make. I know that others prefer DMD and Build,
> which is why I suggest that other libraries might be better if you do ?
> In theory all the platforms belongs the same "GNU" target interface...
> But I usually test my releases on Mac OS X, Windows XP and Fedora Core.
>> Are GDC and DMD so far off from each other that it is hard to build
>> code that works in both?! What kind of things are working differently?
>> (I only know of 'the lack of newer D features', and 'the typeof ==/is
>> problem', both of which don't seem very problematic to the creation of
>> bindings.)
> In my case, I just can't ever seem to get the standard (GCC) libraries
> working with the special (DMC) libraries with for instance OpenGL etc. ?
> There are no real source changes, beyond that DMD uses "linux" and GDC
> uses "Unix" and that GDC is of an older DMD (language) specification.
> --anders
I'm not understanding you here. What special DMC libraries? What's the
relation with OpenGL? (that phrase seems a bit misconstructed)
Bruno Medeiros - CS/E student
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