Static opCall and class instantiation

Kirk McDonald kirklin.mcdonald at
Mon May 22 12:39:35 PDT 2006

Rémy Mouëza wrote:
> In article <e4su89$j7n$1 at>, Ben Hinkle says...
>>>SomeClass  sc2();    // reference assigned to GC-allocated instance
>>would this open up the C++ can-o'-worms that makes sc2 parse as a function 
>>delcaration instead of a constructor call? 


> Otherwise, the allocation "Someclass sc = Someclass ();" is an interesting
> suggestion. It could allow very concise code with auto type inference, like:
> auto sc = Someclass ();

Heh, I can live without C++-style

     SomeClass sc2();

As for

     auto sc = SomeClass();

that is even closer to how Python does it (it even drops the "auto" as 
it is a dynamically typed language; I don't suggest that here), and 
would be pretty cool to have in D.

-Kirk McDonald

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