Mangled names

Sjoerd van Leent svanleent at
Thu May 25 12:32:40 PDT 2006

In addition to my previous message, I'd like to have a possibility to 
search for method names as well. I would welcome such a feature. What 
I'm trying to do is to make some general class registry, more or less a 
combination of COM and RMI. I try to make it in such a way that it is 
easily portable (e.g.: not to much calls towards Win32 API).

Problem is that for this to work I need to be able to make interfaces 
visible from the outside, together with their function specifications, 
if possible.


Sjoerd van Leent schreef:
> Walter, others,
> Would it be possible to store the mangled name of a class/type in to the 
> classinfo/typeinfo. This would ease a lot of problems I'm experiencing. 
> Since I want to traverse through the classinfo class as follows:
> public bool derivesFromIBase(in Interface iface) {
>     ClassInfo info = iface.classinfo;
>        if(info == IBase.classinfo) {
>         return true;
>     } else if(info.interfaces.length > 0) {
>         foreach(Interface base; info.interfaces) {
>             if(derivesFromIBase(base)) return true;
>         }
>     }
>     return false;
> }
> public char[] resolve(in ClassInfo clazz) {
>     foreach(Interface iface; clazz.interfaces) {
>         // should return the mangled name
>         if(derivesFromIBase(iface)) return;
>     }
>     if(clazz.base != Object.classinfo) {
>         return resolve(clazz.base);
>     }
>     return null;
> }
> Regards,
> Sjoerd

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