Prime time???

Bill Baxter wbaxter at
Sat Nov 4 10:04:51 PST 2006

Walter Bright wrote:
> Bill Baxter wrote:
>> You may be right, but I have serious doubts that slapping a 1.0 label 
>> on D is going to make any difference to the superstitious folks in 
>> your company.
> True, but I often think I should just call it "1.0" and move on.

Yeh, I'm definitely not saying it would hurt to call it 1.0, just that 
it's not going to magically make companies start adopting it en masse. 
   It could have an effect on a smaller scale though.

I think if you look at languages like Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP, their 1.0 
releases were probably not that great.  I mean Perl is at version 5.9.4 
and PHP is up to version 5.2.0 -- how complete could their 1.0's have 
been?  For scripting languages where the #1 use is short single-purpose 
programs, I think people use a different yardstick for 1.0.  Perl 
started off as a better awk, and it didn't have far to go to be useful 
in that regard.  Php started off as a way to generate bits of web pages 
programmatically on the server side, and it didn't have far to go to be 
a really useful tool in that respect.  But D is aiming to be a 
replacement for the languages that people use to write Really Big 
Programs (as well as small ones) that can do anything and everything. 
So I think that affects how people think about what constitutes 1.0.


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