Eclipse plugin

Kyle Furlong kylefurlong at
Tue Nov 7 01:34:29 PST 2006

Jesse Phillips wrote:
> Ary Manzana wrote:
>> Bruno Medeiros escribió:
>>> Let me know when you get back. 
>> I'm back.
>>> I have a lot of questions, it would be
>>> nice if we could exchange IM contacts (MSN, YM?), for now, I'm usually
>>> at the D IRC channel (bruno_m).
>> Which server? I didn't find it. My MSN is asterite ĉe hotmail punkto com.
> #D is on FreeNode.
>> P.D.: What is the <g> everyone use in their messages?
> <g> <grin> if I remember correctly.

Party over at #D WOO WOO! Actually, there isnt one right now, but THERE 

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