Mango, DSource, and CGIHTML

clayasaurus clayasaurus at
Sun Nov 12 12:31:42 PST 2006

Morgan McDermott wrote:
> I've been experimenting around with D for a couple of days now, and I'm 
> really starting to like it. And, although the available code-base is not 
> as plentiful as for other languages (C), porting code to D from C is 
> feasible.
>  Right now I'm trying to get some basic features for a web-application 
> designed in D. From the little I've read about the Mango project, it 
> appears that people have already put a lot of time into generating 
> useful code for D-web-applications, but sadly seems to be down.
>   I was unable to locate any mirrors, so I looked about for other 
> options and found the CGIHTML project for C. At this point I'm not sure 
> whether I should port CGIHTML to D, or find a way to get mango.. Any 
> suggestions?
> Links:
> is going through a hardware upgrade, it should be back up 
within the next week or so, but I can not be sure.

~ Clay

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