RAII, value classes and implicit conversion
Boris Kolar
boris.kolar at globera.com
Tue Nov 14 04:21:00 PST 2006
Proposed extensions, that should solve most RAII (and other) problems:
1 Structs
Structs are a lot like classes, except they can NOT:
- have virtual methods
- override inherited methods
(technically: they can't have VMT table)
1.1 Immutable structs
In addition to normal structs, immutable structs can be defined with:
const struct Point {
int x;
int y;
They can be constructed as:
void test() {
Point p = Point(10, 20); // x = 10, y = 20
Point p = Point(x: 10, y: 20); // same as above
p.x = 30; // COMPILER ERROR: Point is immutable
1.2 Structs can have constructor(s) and destructor
Also, structs may have constructor(s), destructor:
struct File {
this() {
this(char[] name) {
handle = openFile(name);
// handle can be modified only in constructor
~this() {
HANDLE handle;
Invocation is deterministic (at the beginning and end of variable scope):
void test() {
File f; // prints "File.this" (default constructor is invoked)
// destructor of f is called here
1.3 Inheritance and implicit conversions of structs
Structs can inherit from one or more other structs:
struct A {
int a;
struct B {
int b;
struct C: A, B {
// inherited: int a;
// inherited: int b;
int c;
Structs (and classes too) can define implicit conversions:
// A may be struct, interface, class, ...
struct D: A {
// nothing is inherited because implicit conversion is defined
this.A {
return A(a: 10);
Inheritance and implicit conversion test:
void test() {
C c;
B b = c; // allowed
D d;
A a = d; // allowed
2 Classes
2.1 Explicit implementation of interfaces
Classes can explicitly implement interface methods or whole interfaces:
interface IFoo {
void foo();
interface IBar {
void bar();
class Foo: IFoo, IBar {
// explicitly implement IFoo interface methods
void IFoo.foo() {
// explicitly implement interface IBar by delegation
this.IBar {
return getBar();
2.2 Value classes
Value classes are like ordinary classes, except:
- only constructor or destructor can change class state
- they can not have null value (at least default constructor is called)
- they have deterministic finalization if they implement 'Local'
const class Foo: Local {
this() {
foo = 5; // foo can be modified (only) in constructor/destructor
~this() {
int foo;
void test() {
Foo foo; // foo.foo = 5 (default constructor is invoked, foo can't be null)
// prints "Foo.~this" and destroys foo here
Value classes can easily support deterministic finalization, because no cycles are
possible (without hacking, anyway) and simple reference counting is sufficient.
2.3 Custom allocators
Custom allocators allow any allocation strategy:
// in Phobos
interface Allocator {
void* allocate(Type type);
void deallocate(Type type, void* mem);
// test application
void test() {
Foo foo = new(myAllocator) Foo();
// if Foo is value class and implements 'Local', then foo is deleted here
// ... else foo is deleted when myAllocator is deleted
3 Summary
It seems that scoped variables are unnecessary, because value classes that
implement 'Local' interface, together with implicit conversions, are sufficient
in all of the following scenarios:
1. Finalization is required:
const class File: Local {
~this() {
2. Garbage collection must be avoided:
const class Scoped(T): T, Local {
this(T object) {
_object = object;
this.T {
return _object;
private T _object;
Scoped(T) scoped(T)(T object) {
return new Scoped!(T)(object);
class Foo {
void foo() { ... }
void test() {
Foo foo = scoped(new Foo());
// foo is deleted here :)
void test2() {
scoped(new Foo()).foo();
// Foo instance is deleted here too! :D
3. Value class semantics is desired:
const class Point {
int x;
int y;
Another (minor) suggestion is allowing method declarations without '()':
class Foo: Bar {
int foo {
// no ambiguity here, consistent with 'this.Bar' definition
return 5;
this.Bar {
return bar;
private Bar bar;
Also, get rid of static opCall
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