std.signals with multiple signals?

Serg Kovrov kovrov at no.spam
Wed Nov 15 22:37:54 PST 2006

Hello, D-folks!

First, my understanding of S&S:

Instance of 'emitter' class could emit predefined set of signals.
And arbitrary class could be a 'listener', e.g. connect any of those 
'signals' to a it's 'slot' (arbitrary method with particular signature).

And I expect something like this pseudo code:
connect emitter.clicked to listener.do_something
connect emitter.double_clicked to listener.do_something_else

With current std.signals 
( I don't get how to 
choose signal to connect to particular slot. I mean, how to define more 
than one signal?

Meanwhile, before std.signals and all S&S buzz, I used followed 
(simplified, but you could see the idea) approach:

> class Emitter
> {
>     void delegate()[EV] subscribers;
>     void emit(EV ev) {
>         auto fn = ev in subscribers;
>         try { if (fn != null) (*fn)(); }
>         catch (Exception wtf) { writefln("WTF? %s", wtf); }
>     }
>     void subscribe(EV ev, void delegate() fn) {
>         subscribers[ev] = fn;
>     }
>     void click()    { emit(EV.CLICKED); }
>     void dblclick() { emit(EV.DBLCLICKED); }
> }
> class Listener
> {
>     void do_something()      { writefln("do_something"); }
>     void do_something_else() { writefln("do_something_else"); }
> }
> void main()
> {
>     auto emitter = new Emitter();
>     auto listener = new Listener();
>     emitter.subscribe(Emitter.EV.CLICKED,
> 	  &listener.do_something);
>     emitter.subscribe(Emitter.EV.DBLCLICKED,
> 	  &listener.do_something_else);
>     delete listener;
>     emitter.dblclick();
> }

And it quite works for me, is there something wrong with it?


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