GC don't understand

Nahon nahon at t-online.hu
Thu Nov 16 12:37:33 PST 2006

BCS wrote:
> One other thing that can cause GC errors is if you are keeping pointers 
> someplace the GC can't look. This includes in C functions, data and what 
> not, placing pointers in strings, files, casting tricks with ints 
> (maybe), that XOR trick for pointer compressing in doublely liked lists. 
> basically anything that will put a pointer someplace that doesn't look 
> like a pointer.

In my short-life C experience I learned to avoid pointers. :) (Maybe 
that experience was too short-term.) And I'm very confused because all I 
use are objects (one instance and multiple ones in arrays), structs, 
strings and integral types. I do not manipulate the memory in any way 
beyond builtin D features. No external functions, no pointers, no XOR 
tricks or else. Nothing more than I used to, except the whole GC thing 
and the threads (I used fork long ago but that's completely different in 
aproach - mainly I have to use Windows). I would be all right without 
the GC (since the app works without it) if I could free the resources 
that D allocated in memory.
And I would feel very comforable with GC if I could trace these errors 
some way (for example with more explained error messages).

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