John Reimer
terminal.node at gmail.com
Mon Nov 20 14:09:04 PST 2006
On Mon, 20 Nov 2006 13:41:28 -0800, Chad J
<gamerChad at _spamIsBad_gmail.com> wrote:
> Craig Black wrote:
>> LLVM (http://llvm.org/) is a backend for compilers. It is portable to
>> many platforms, well documened, and actively developed. It seems that
>> they are making great progress with it.
>> A crazy idea. Has anyone considered using LLVM with D's front end? I
>> know Walter has his own back end, but it's seems hard for one guy to
>> maintain both a front and back end, and do a good job at both. Even a
>> programming god like Walter. If we had the LLVM team actively
>> developing and innovating the back end, then Walter could focus on
>> innovating the front end and the D language. Just a thought.
>> -Craig
> Hmmm... looks like they are working on an ARM backend. This could be
> nice. If they get that ARM backend done by say, summer of next year,
> and the D front-end is plugged in, then I might be willing to take a
> crack at making ARM work on that one in addition to GDC. Then I could
> decide which one is nicer to work with and focus on that. Kind of a
> longshot though (they'd need wince support too).
> Admittedly the current arm-wince-pe GDC I put together has some uh
> ...annoyances... and I've no idea how to solve them.
> Now I wonder, is Walter really maintaining the backend much? I thought
> that part of dmd was pretty solid already and he is just focusing on the
> front-end and other D affairs.
> What would impress me is if the main development of D would occur on
> this LLVM compiler, or at least be readily portable to it within hours
> or a few days (this assumes LLVM is a good quality backend that Walter
> wouldn't mind switching to). The utility I am looking for there is
> having a bleeding-edge D compiler that is also very retargetable, and
> doesn't require big man-hours to be maintained as it seems gdc does. DMD
> is great on windows, but it is fairly useless on my pda since, well, it
> doesn't even generate code for that at all!
I'm wondering if Walter will have the same source "tainting" issue with
LLVM as he did for gcc. I wish not because it would be much better if the
reference compiler development could continue on a completely open system.
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