A paper on D (draft)
Bruno Medeiros
brunodomedeiros+spam at com.gmail
Tue Nov 21 16:26:10 PST 2006
BCS wrote:
> Well now that I have turned in my CS term paper (see A "paper on the
> history of D (draft)") I'm now looking to rework it for a wider
> distribution.
> Here it is as it stands now:
> http://www.webpages.uidaho.edu/~shro8822/term_007.pdf
> It has a lot of blank areas in it right now. A number of the headings
> under Miscellaneous should be sections on there own.
> I'm looking for feedback on what should be in there. What parts of D
> should be covered? Do I say to much about some things?
> I'd be willing to insert whole sections from contributers and add them
> in as co-authors. Little bits and peaces would also be welcome (and
> would get a citation in the acknowledgments section). I'm particularly
> interested in filling in the history section.
> you can email me at:
> shro8822 @at uidaho .dot edu
I haven't looked much at the content, just at the overall structure, and
the order(if it matters at all?) seems a bit off, you put very
advanced features soon (templates, mixins, variadic templates,etc.), and
more basic ones later (contracts, and the whole miscelleanous: foreach,
op overload, unicode, etc.)
If you're interested in a sugestion for order, grouping and/or
enumeration of D features, perhaps this school D presentation of mine (
http://mega.ist.utl.pt/~bdom/dee/D_apr-v2b.ppt ) is of interest. It's in
portuguese but most of the terms and examples are in english so maybe
it's still of use.
Bruno Medeiros - MSc in CS/E student
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