D vs. C#

Chad J gamerChad at _spamIsBad_gmail.com
Thu Nov 23 22:53:51 PST 2006

Bill Baxter wrote:
> 6.  D code is fairly portable between Windows/Linux/Mac, so with care, 
> and judicious selection of external libraries, a recompile for the 
> target machine is all that is needed.   Java has an embedded version.  D 
> lacks any sort of embedded strategy right now, AFAIK.  Though it should 
> be great for embedded stuff.
> --bb

Yeah, the embedded support is kinda weak.  I made that linux -> 
arm-wince-pe cross compiler, which has quirks and is getting old :(

This would be much better if we could just have one person working on 
each of the platforms out there that need to be targetted.  I'm thinking 
arm-linux, arm-symbian (if possible), and arm-palmos (if we care). 
These should all be reachable through gdc.  Not sure what other embedded 
OSes are out there that are not too proprietary or hard to hit.  Anyhow, 
  I think good embedded support is doable, we just need a couple folks 
actually willing to do it.

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