GC again

Craig Black cblack at ara.com
Mon Nov 27 11:40:05 PST 2006

Coming from a C++ background, I don't know a lot about GC.  Today I was 
looking at the new features in Mono .NET 1.2.  They use a Boehm GC link D's. 
But in 1.2, it was improved.   Here's the quote:

Garbage Collector: We now use Boehm GC in precise mode as opposed to fully 
conservative mode. We also use it with a precise set of GC roots which 
greatly improved Garbage Collection performance.

What does this mean and how hard would it be for D to do this as opposed to 
doing a full generational GC?  Maybe we could do this as a short term 
improvement while we wait for a generational GC in the long term.


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